3DWorld (281/293)

From:Thomas Frieden
Date:30 Apr 2000 at 20:31:32
Subject:Re: Heretic II Demo Available


On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, Mark Olsen wrote:
> But what if i wanted the 32bit mode. Why not make it possible ? Instead of
> limiting ppl's options ? Why don't we all use Windows. And Visual Basic. And

There are some issues involved. First of all, the original Heretic 2
doesn't support 32 bit, either. This means that 32 bit support is an
additional feature, which must be QA'ed by Activision again.

Secondly, we've already been delayed way too long. The version that's
QA'ed now is the final version. Every change done now would only slow us
down further.

To sum it up, Heretic 2 will not support 32 bit rendering. This has
nothing to do with limiting your options, it's about what amount of work
and time and especially money will go into such a relatively
insignifficant feature.

If you think that missing 32 bit support makes Heretic 2 a bad game, I'm
very sorry. You'll be missing a good game.


Thomas Frieden